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What is your favorite place on your campus?

My name is Jake and I have different areas in the school where I like to consume my time; hang out; wait for my next time classes,  waiting for someone or take a nap. Back then in college, I am afraid of being late for all my subjects even if it is a minor subject or a major subject. that is who I am; It is maybe because my parents guide and train me to be on time always.  
I can still remember when my parents woke us up early in the morning for school preparations. It is very early every day we wake up for school days (Monday to Friday). My mom will keep us reminded everyday morning to prepare our things before we go to school; If we pencil and paper in the bag all the things needed in school actually and she always talks to prepare and not to be late in school because we need to take transportation. I felt like she was afraid if we could not catch up on time in school or if miss out on any lesson in school. My mom prepares everything for us from the food to anything we want. 
When I was in college; I leave far away from my family because my school and my degree were not available in our hometown school. So; I studied alone and very far away. I would say it will take 24-hour travel to get back to my home place and of course the transportation is expensive if I always go to my home place; It will take some preparation and timing of holidays if I need to go back to my home back then. 
So, most of my time I spent either in my boarding house or on campus. In my freshmen, I normally spend some time in the library because it is a quiet place and there is a table and chair then I notice as the years go by studying I move to different places on the campus in my free time. In my Sophomore time, I spent more time near the canteen eating and chilling with friends. Then in my third year and fourth year, I always spend time on the bench where your friends and classmate are chilling/ talking. At this time you wanted to have someone to talk to on the campus for your free time; It was totally different when I was in Freshmen. 
Most of the time I wait for my next classes near the area or room for my next class schedule because I do not want to be late.

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Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 1 voters
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My favorite place is bench in the hallway..

Johans Empuerto
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