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How harder is it to manage a business than to work?

I have experience working for many years to exactly it was 18 years. I was working as an IT (Information Technology) in different companies. Then, I created my business; it is an IT Services solution.
I am now 45 years old and I notice it was so hard to run my business rather than work in a company. I have seen advantages and disadvantages in both areas. I have listed the advantages and disadvantages when you run your business compared to working in a company.
To run my own business, I thought I could control my own time; I would say YES and NO.
Yes, because you can work whenever you want but no; because you need to work hard to get some income for your own business.
I also thought that I would have more time for my family but the answer is also YES and NO.
Yes, you will always see them and be with them but also not because you need to check your email if there are new clients coming in or you need to market your own company. 
I also thought that there was no pressure since I'm the owner but no; I feel all the pressure every day to run the business on how to make new ideas; how to sustain your business along the way and you are more worried because the income that comes in is not fixed, unlike one working in the company that you know your monthly income. 
If you are also working in a company, you have a lot of incentives such as paid vacation; paid sick leave and you have a health card for the entire family (depending on what company) but all of these will be gone when you do your own business.
I have already thought about this many times before I started my business and still, I choose and continue my own or to have a business because this is passion and this is how I like it and this was my dream. 
What they say is to fall in love with your job, not with the company, is probably true. 




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