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I would like to share with you how I choose my college school and my degree.

My name is Peter and I am now 40 years old; I can still remember when I was a freshman; back then life was totally different compared to today. Cellphones and the Internet are expensive and very rare.


I graduated from high school in a small town where we knew each other's names and face recognition in my hometown. My parents ask me which degree I like to continue as my High School education will end soon and which school I will continue my education at.


During those times I am fortunate enough that my parents will send me to college and choose which degree I need to take. At the age of 17 years old, I would say it is hard to choose which degree you need to take especially if there are a lot of options and you do not know what are those degrees and what type of work I will do on those degrees, But since then I like a degree that could generate bigger income as soon as I finish my school and I do not like more than 5 years of schooling (In other words I want a short term Bachelor of Science degree).


I would say one of my inspirations, for why I need to choose any of the Bachelor of Science degrees, is because of my parents and also my high school classmates. Being a High school classmate and friends sometimes you need to talk about what’s next after high school and they gave me the idea that once you take a degree you need to choose whatever bachelor of science degree because they are more superior to other degrees.


We are 3 siblings and I am the youngest, I also ask my brother what the difference between High school and College is because I saw him studying late and consuming many hours of studying. So I ask my brother how do I choose a degree that has a bigger income and I like the job that I am doing. So, he introduces me to some background of what those degrees are and what are their jobs after you finish.


My uncle is a Doctor and he wanted me to become a Nurse. Nursing became an option during those times, but I do not like a Nurse deep inside my mind and in my heart. I want something the same as my brother's Engineering but not similar. Then I read the list of Engineering courses that I wanted. I read a lot of common Engineering courses like Civil engineering, Electrical Engineer and so on; Then there is one Engineering degree that is not known to me or the first time I heard " Electronics Engineering" sounds cool and new (In my mind I want to invent robots and other remote control stuff; High tech! ). So, I decided to take this degree.


The next question is which school? I could not really recall how I chose the school but part of the decision was that my parents choose that school because we have relatives in that city and I stayed with my uncle so that he can guide me. To make the story short I chose the school that was far away from my parents. Far away from my parents sounds cool to me during those times.


So that is my experience on how I choose my degree and my school.



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Nice choice of degree..

Randy Salvador
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